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BOOK ~ The MonsterJunkies
The MonsterJunkies
An American Family Odyssey
“Being A Normal Family is a State of Mind”
Authors Erik Daniel Shein And L. M Reker
ISBN-13: 978-1622095483
Publisher Arkwatch holdings LLC
Genre ~ paranormal teen fantasy
Tucked away in a remote cul-de-sac on the Maine coast is a place where the strange is normal, and the bizarre, is everyday. This is a place, where, if you do not have an open mind, you will loose your mind in its reality and truths. This is the home of The MonsterJunkies, An American Family Odyssey.
Residing at this place, twelve year old Crow and his fourteen year old sister, Indigo , along with their friends go down a reality curve to arrive at the harsh truth of the indelible hurt bullying, emotional abuse and prejudice can foster. The family faces ignorance combined with aggression at every step as they try to build a life for themselves in the home of their ancestors.
We are all MonsterJunkies and wear masks during our daily lives, in school, during work, hanging out with friends, imitating, being people who we look up to and admire, or those we want to be. It is those people who take off their masks and show the real person inside who are the ones that truly find the meaning of their lives.
The MonsterJunkies an American Family Odyssey, defines growing up through a cast of quirky yet engaging characters who also experience the same anxieties as any other family, enduring the issues that portend ‘coming of age.’ Not all angst and agony, it marks a clear path to the ultimate form of acceptance, the approbation of self.
Book reviews ~
The author is on top of the game in this amazing read, and just gets better and better every-time. ” Book Review Buz “
Even more precisely, it provides excellent insight into the intricacies of the problem of bullying. ” Karen O'Sullivan |
The story line is original and clever. ”