The Treadmill Advantage: Save Time, Train Smarter, and Become a Better Runner

The Treadmill Advantage: Save Time, Train Smarter, and Become a Better Runner (Kindle Edition),

Treadmills are Awesome

The treadmill is trusted by coaching legends, elite runners, and Olympians. If it is good enough for them, it is safe to say that it is good enough for everyone that runs. This knowledge is important because sometimes people have a negative connotation about treadmills that can cause a person to doubt the effectiveness of their workouts. Nobody wants to work hard while having a nagging question in their head, “Am I wasting my time by not running outdoors?” Fear not. This modern-day device is the real deal and can help you achieve your running and fitness goals.

Key Factor

In chapter seven, learn a key factor to prevent unknowingly training at the wrong pace on the treadmill. As you may already know, most books and online training programs use past race performances to determine paces for the different types of running that make up most plans. Instead of mistakenly using the wrong speed and effort, you will learn a technique that makes following these pace-specific training plans a joy on the treadmill; not to mention, very helpful.

Recent Customer Reviews

“Full of precious information and I highly recommend it to both novices or experienced runners!”

“Fantastic read.”

“A well thought-out book with lots of great ideas for both a novice or experienced runner.”

“I loved it and will apply what Pete has shared from his experience and knowledge to become a stronger, faster runner!”

“Well worth the read for anyone that runs or is considering running.”

"Good information about treadmill running, and perfectly organized and presented."

"Concise and to the point."


Does the book provide training advice?
Yes, there are nuggets of training advice throughout the book. However, I do not cover any specific training programs (there are books dedicated to that). If that is something you are looking for, I highly recommend any based on the coaching of Jack Daniels. Often, people refer to him as “The World's Best Coach,” and for a good reason. He has been coaching some of the world’s top runners for over fifty years. In his book, Daniels’ Running Formula, he covers training plans from 800-meter to marathon distance and everything in between. Additionally, you can find his training programs online at the Run S.M.A.R.T. Project.

What treadmill do you use in training?
Despite two runners in the household and thousands of miles, our Precor 9.23 purchased in 2009 is still meeting our current training needs perfectly. While there are a handful of manufacturers making great treadmills, I highly recommend Precor.

What recourse do I have if I dislike the book?
If you don't enjoy the book or find it useful, you can request a refund via Amazon. Type “Return Kindle eBooks” in Amazon’s search field for instructions.

If you have any questions or ideas for adds, changes, or deletes to a second edition (I’ll credit you in the book) – or just want to correspond about running, I’d love to hear from you. Please contact me via email at

Happy running!

 The Treadmill Advantage: Save Time, Train Smarter, and Become a Better Runner (Kindle Edition),